API reference for Blue Web Multi-list
import { BwcMultiListModule } from '@aviato/components/multi-list';
Represents a custom list element that creates the list items depending on the passed list item objects.
Name |
Description |
@Input() multiListItems |
Array of objects Array of objects required for creation of list. Each object within an array stands for a separate list item. Depending on the wanted type of list item, the list item object should contain different set of properties. |
@Input() horizontal |
boolean An optional value. If "true" is passed, direction of the multi-list is horizontal. |
@Input() ariaLabel |
string An optional string value that labels an interactive element.Value can be set depending on its purpose. |
Generic list-item object properties
Key |
Value |
label |
string Required parameter Object value required for creation of list. Each list item will be created from an object item. |
icon |
string Optional parameter Name of the icon preceding list item label text. Should correspond to one of the icon names from 'Icon' tab. |
Button list-item object properties
clickHandler |
function Optional parameter Click handler function. If this property is passed to a list-item object, the list-item will be wrapped with a <button> tag, with the passed function as a click event handler. |
ariaLabel |
string Optional parameter Adds arial-label attibute to multi-list-item for accessibility |
Router link list-item object properties
routerLink |
string Optional parameter If this property is passed to a list-item object, the list-item will be wrapped with an <a> tag, with a routerLink attribute set to the passed string. Use this property to navigate to any route within the application. |
queryParams |
object Optional parameter If passed, all keys and values are parsed and concatenated into a single string of query parameters key-value pairs, attached to the routerLink attribute's value. Values of queryParams keys can be of any type. |
Href link list-item object properties
href |
string Optional parameter If this property is passed to a list-item object, the list-item will be wrapped with an <a> tag, with a href attribute set to the passed string. Use this property to navigate to any external (to the application) resource. |
target |
string Optional parameter Value of this property will be passed to the <a> tag, that wraps the list-item, as the value of the target attribute. |