Nav list

A collapsible side navigation for efficient content organization and exploration.


API reference for Blue Web Left Navigation

import { BwcNavListModule } from '@aviato/components/multi-list';


BwcNavList, BwcNavListExpanded, BwcNavButton

Navigation list component provides directive BwcNavList and BwcNavButton component which can used along with mat-nav-list, mat-list-item from Angular material. This component doesn't expect any objects or parameters as input however it uses transclusion to allow user to construct the navigation list.

BwcNavListExpanded is a directive attribute to set the state on "expanded". This should being set on the same level as BwcNavList.

[opened] is a boolean input attribute to open the navigation list by default. This should being set on the same level as BwcNavList.

To have a selected state on the list-item, put the classname bwc-nav-list--selected on the concerned button.

selector:[BwcNavList], [BwcNavListExpanded], [BwcNavButton] (as attributes)



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Table of content list

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